March 9, 2010

Rain, rain and more rain. We are not complaining, as we need all we can get; however it has slowed down harvest over the past two weeks. This week there is no rain in the forecast and harvest is back to normal volumes. We have received over 11 inches of rain year to date and this is above average and more rain than we received all of last year. The snow pack in the Sierras is showing high water content and this will help fill up the lakes and recharge our ground water.
If a person wants to visit this area, spring is the perfect time. The Sierra's are covered in snow and the foothills are covered with wildflowers. Although citrus is not quite ready to blossom, tree fruit and almond blossoms are in abundance and the annual Blossom Trail drive is in full swing.
The quality and flavor on this year's citrus crop is outstanding, with the the best flavor we have seen in years and the fruit condition and firmness are excellent. Navel harvest is over 50% complete and we should have the old line varieties available for shipping through April and we will begin the late navels in April and pack through May. Our Blood season is complete and we are 70% through our Cara Caras. The valencia crop looks excellent with good texture and sugar but will run to the smaller size. We will begin shipping valencias in April.

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