As we begin the final stretch of our valencia season we are also looking forward to the new crop of navels hanging on the trees.
Most years we harvest one half to two thirds of our valencias before July and then we shut down for six to eight weeks or until the demand for the remaining medium to small sizes picks up. This year is no different and we have resumed packing our remaining valencias this week. The fruit has sized some this summer but as we picked on the large sizes earlier this spring, the remaining fruit is mostly 88's and smaller. As a result of the cool summer, fruit condition is good and we are having to color sort about a third of the fruit so condition remains strong for shipments. We are also shipping fresh picked fruit as opposed to stored fruit. We should have valencias available through mid to late October and we will then transition into navels.
The upcoming navel crop looks good. Fruit set is more than last year with a slightly smaller size structure. Size will depend on the weather over the next few months to see just how much growth we will get. The California Agricultural Statistic Service (CASS) crop projection should be released by September 10th and this will give us a better look at the upcoming set and size for all districts. Quality looks great with very round fruit with good texture. We will continue to update the navel size structure and maturity as we move into fall.

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