2010 - 2011 Navel Orange Forecast

The California Agricultural Statistic Service (CASS) has released the 2010-2011 navel orange forecast. The initial estimate is 93 million 40 pound carton equivalents, with 90 million cartons forecast in District 1 (the central valley). Weather conditions and survey results indicate a greater fruit set than past years but with significant smaller sizes. The fruit set for District 1 is 40% more than last year but the cartons per acre are only up 10%, which indicates many pieces of fruit per carton, i.e..small sizes.
For the complete report please visit
This crop will be less than the 2005/06 District 1 crop of 92 million and slightly more than the 2007/08 District 1 crop of 88 million. This past 2009/10 season produced 80 million District 1 cartons.
Another interesting note is these numbers also include cara caras. blood oranges and other which have unofficially been estimated at 3 million cartons.

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