Peak flavor

If you have not tried navels this year or you are waiting for them to ripen, now is the time to buy. The navels are at their peak flavor and will be through spring time. There is a bumper crop and the the price is right to make navels part of all your family's meals. Navels are an easy side dish for all meals and one of the easiest ways to serve them is to just peel and slice into cubes. They are sweet and juicy and do not have seeds. Kids love them and you can feel good about providing a healthy alternative.
Cara Caras are also at their peak. Cara caras are pink flesh navels and have less acid than a navel. A fun recipe is to mix the pink colored fruit with the orange navel for a great looking dish the tastes great.
To learn more about both these varieties, please go to the Company info section and look up varieties.

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