Spring Bloom

This year’s bloom has now dropped and everyone is trying to determine what size crop we will have for next year. As it is too early to see how much of the young fruit will stay on the tree, we do think this looks like a lighter crop than this past year.
Our weather has been mild and this will help to hold this new fruit on the tree; however, if the weather heats up too fast or just stays hot for any length of time, we could drop more fruit than we would like. We will have a better idea on the outlook for this new crop in July and he official CASS estimate comes out in early September.
This past year’s navel crop was challenging: small sizes, poor weather, and fruit pliability; however, we worked hard to provide a quality package and appreciate all of our customer’s efforts to help move this season’s crop.
We are currently harvesting valencias and we are mainly exporting as the domestic market still prefers navels. The valencias are on the smaller size with fruit peaking on 88’s and 113’s. The fruit has a very good eating quality and there has been no regreening.
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