Korea Advisory - Minimum Mitigation Measures
California Citrus Packers:
The California Citrus Quality Council (CCQC) is contacting packers to inform the industry about the latest situation regarding exports to Korea. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will be negotiating with its counterpart agency this September in Korea to establish the conditions for California citrus exports to Korea during the 2013-2014 season.
Korea’s Quarantine Inspection Agency (QIA) has indicated that the 2012-2013 season would be the last season in which blanket methyl bromide fumigation would be permitted in Korea. However, since mitigation measures to control Fuller rose beetle (FRB) have not been fully developed APHIS has indicated a willingness to request another season of fumigation, but only if the industry commits to minimum mitigation measures.
Should Korea’s QIA agree to this proposal, only fruit that has met the minimum requirements will be allowed to be fumigated on arrival. The minimum requirements are (i) skirt pruning, (ii) weed control and (iii) at least one foliar insecticide treatment.
We are conveying this information now so that the measures can be implemented in case QIA agrees to the proposal. However, there is no guarantee that such an agreement will be reached. QIA could also require complete control of FRB in California and eliminate the blanket fumigation. Since the outcome of the negotiations are unknown, we encourage the industry to consider all possible mitigation options including trunk applications to reduce FRB populations to the lowest possible levels.
We plan to provide additional information as it becomes available.
Please contact me by telephone at (530) 885-1894 or via e-mail at jcranney@calcitrusquality.org if you have questions or need additional information.
James R. Cranney, Jr.
California Citrus Quality Council
853 Lincoln Way
Auburn, California 95603
Tel: (530) 885-1894
Mobile: (530) 906-6546
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