Farm to Table

Last week we hosted a Farm to Table event in our orchards. The focus was on Sunkist blood and cara cara oranges.
We hosted food editors and writers from all over the U.S. We tour the orchards and then were treated to an amazing brunch featuring bloods and cara cara recipes prepare by two Top Chefs from the tv show Top Chef, Chef Bruce and Chef Sally.
Mark, past Chairman of Sunkist and current Vice-Chairman of Sunkist, gave the tour and talked about farming practices while his daughter Melissa (a 5th generation citrus grower) talked about her life growing up in a citrus orchard and her current role with Gillette Citrus.
The day finished with a tour of our packing faciltiy by led by Mark's son Greg. Thank you to everyone at Sunkist for organizing this great event and to our guests who traveled from as far away as Maine and New York to visit and learn more about what it takes to grow and ship quality Sunkist fruit.
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