Hope you are well....

We hope everyone has stayed safe and healthy throughout this pandemic ordeal. Although it is far from over, normalcy has begun to seem more of a reality.
Here at our ranches and packing operations everything is fine but it has been an interesting time. All of our employees have stayed safe and continue to work harvesting and packing fruit. The demand for citrus, and a great source of vitamin C has increased business and our customers have counted on us to keep everyone safe and to keep shipping citrus.
We have had to implement many safety measures, from plexiglass partitions, additional employee lounges, addditional hand washing stations and hand sanitizers to pre screening employees on a daily basis.
Our employees have been the biggest help over the past weeks. Having to wear face masks and maintaining social distancing in a packing and farming operation is not easy and can only be done with cooperation from all of our employees.
Our oranges, mandarins and lemons cannot wait to be harvested and need to come off our trees in a timely manner. So thank you to our employees and our customers for helping to keep everything running and enabling us to finish up our citrus season.
We wish everyone well and please keep safe.
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